
It ends.

Mohawk baby says "Grawrrr.."

So my term break has finally come to an end, again.
These 2 weeks have been hell and it did flew by really fast.
Unlike my previous term break which was filled with fun... and love.
Oh well.... I guess I'll still have to pull myself back together.

And let me tell you people, I actually have homework during the holidays.
I was just too lazy to attend to any of it.
I had a presentation to prepare.
And some sketches to draw.
None were touched.
Typical isn't it? Lawl.

On top of that, I'm BROKE!
As in really broke.
You can't even smell cash from my wallet.
It's totally dry.
It's so empty that when you open my wallet right, you can actually see little caterpillars curling themselves up into cocoons and then when you come back the next time, you see beautiful little butterflies coming out of their cocoons.
Okay, that was lame.
I'm sorry. I can't really brain properly these days.

And I would really appreciate it if the bunch of people I hang out with would stop asking me "Bryan, why are you so emoooo?".
Like seriously, guys.
I don't look that emotionally disturbed do I? :\

Anyway, wish me luck guys, it's another 8 weeks of hell 'till winter.

Oh yeah.
BIG SHOUT OUT TO MY MOM, my number one girlfriend that is always there for me no matter what.
A year older but STILL beautiful as ever. :)

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